Jan 8Liked by Alejandro De La Cruz

Great read. Nostalgia is such a fascinating phenomenon. To me it is an essential part of who I am. I reminds me where I came from, what wonderful moments I experienced in life. We often tend to see the negative events in life, nostalgia always helps me to be reminded that there are so many great things that have happened to me.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Alejandro De La Cruz

Luis and I had a month-long conversation about nostalgia last September [https://www.thetwelveinquiries.com/p/tech-nostalgia-imprecise-yearnings] and one of the ideas that stayed with me is that part of the joy of nostalgia is re-experiencing an event or emotion or relationship but with the benefit of knowing how things turned out. It's like how when you already know how the movie is going to end, you can start to focus on other details that you didn't pay attention to the first time around.

Also, this was the playlist that I needed to download to my phone before today's 18-hour flight! I remember that I made you a podcast for a long drive through the Southwest when you were doing StoryCorps. I just looked for it, but couldn't find it. I did find another post from 2009 though when I mention that you and I wanted to see a St. Vincent concert in LA ("cutest indie rocker ever!" I wrote shortly before dating my future wife who has an eerie resemblance 😯.

I like reading you, homie.

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That's interesting. I never really thought of the re-experience because when I think of photos, specifically, or even music, our recollection of the experience is already sort of filtered. Like, I can't relive exactly what I saw and felt in Maui while listening to Chronixx, but I can sort of feel it. But every time I watch High Fidelity, I do notice new things, like paying attention to Jack Black and all the weird shit he does on screen.

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